News List
Financial SystemTwenty-first Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability"[PDF 195KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Recent Developments in Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Prices of Eligible Collateral"[PDF 251KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NOGUCHI in Nagasaki on Oct. 3, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsMoney Stock (Sept.)[PDF 145KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Sept.)[PDF 289KB]
Research/StudiesResults of the 99th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Sept.)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Sept.)[PDF 224KB]
StatisticsDirect Investment by Region and Industry (2nd quarter 2024)
StatisticsAmounts Outstanding in the Call Money Market (Sept.)[XLSX 34KB]
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (Oct. 2024)
Research/StudiesConsumption Activity Index
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 30)
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Sept.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Sept.)[XLSX 71KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Sept.)[PDF 93KB]
Research/StudiesOutput Gap and Potential Growth Rate
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Oct.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Sept.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsTankan (Sept.): Comprehensive Data Set
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Aug.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base (Sept.)
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Aug.)[PDF 611KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Sept.)[XLSX 27KB]
Public RelationsMeeting on the Third Market Functioning Survey concerning Climate Change
StatisticsTankan (Sept.): Summary and Outline
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on September 19 and 20, 2024[PDF 391KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (October-December 2024)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (October-December 2024)[PDF 56KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (October-November 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Payments/MarketsLiquidity Indicators in the JGB Markets (August)[PDF 1,117KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Pricing Implications of Centrality in an OTC Derivative Market: An Empirical Analysis Using Transaction-Level CDS Data
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Aug.)[PDF 422KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) IMES DPS: 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference (Summary)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) IMES DPS: The Signaling Effects of Fiscal Announcements
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on July 30 and 31, 2024[PDF 514KB]
StatisticsThe Results of BIS International Locational Banking Statistics and International Consolidated Banking Statistics in Japan (end-June 2024)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Research/StudiesMeasures of Underlying Inflation
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 20)
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Aug.)[PDF 222KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA in Osaka (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Research/StudiesDevelopments in Real Exports and Real Imports
StatisticsStatistics on Securities Financing Transactions in Japan (Aug. 2024)
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 437KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAMURA in Okayama on Sept. 12, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsFlow of Funds Accounts (2nd Quarter 2024, Preliminary Figures)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAGAWA in Akita on Sept.11, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsBOJ Current Account Balances by Sector (Aug.)[XLSX 24KB]
Research/StudiesFinancial System Report Annex "Financial Results of Japan's Banks for Fiscal 2023"
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Aug.)[PDF 226KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Aug.)[PDF 288KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(September 2024)[PDF 20KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) The Bank of Japan's Large-Scale Government Bond Purchases and the Formation of Long-Term Interest Rates
Research/StudiesPayment and Settlement Systems Report (September 2024)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAKATA in Ishikawa on Sept. 5, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsMoney Stock (Aug.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Aug.)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsRegular Derivatives Market Statistics in Japan (end-June 2024)
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Aug.)[XLSX 79KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Aug.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Aug.)[PDF 93KB]
Payments/MarketsNotice of the "Meeting on Market Operations"[PDF 125KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Sept.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Aug.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (August 31)
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey (August 2024)[PDF 160KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Aug.)[XLSX 27KB]
Monetary PolicyRelaxation of the Terms and Conditions for the Securities Lending Facility for the Cheapest-to-Deliver Issues[PDF 129KB]
Monetary PolicySchedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (August-September 2024) (Schedule Updates)[PDF 101KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (September-November 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (September-October 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) The Impact of Quantitative and Qualitative Easing and Yield Curve Control on the Functioning of the Japanese Government Bond Market
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Deposit Tokenization: Survey of Overseas Initiatives
About the BankAnnual Review 2024
StatisticsFlow of Funds - Overview of Japan, US, and the Euro area - (1st Quarter 2024)[PDF 321KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (July)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of July)[PDF 611KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (July)[PDF 149KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth[PDF 13KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor HIMINO in Yamanashi (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (July)[PDF 232KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of June)[PDF 612KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (August 20)
Monetary PolicyHighlights of the Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices (July 2024)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (August 10)
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (July)[PDF 288KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (July)[PDF 224KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Market Operations in Fiscal 2023
Monetary Policy(Research Paper) Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy over the Past 25 Years: Summary of the Second Workshop on the "Review of Monetary Policy from a Broad Perspective"
StatisticsMoney Stock (July)[PDF 145KB]
Research/Studies(IMES Newsletter) 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on July 30 and 31, 2024[PDF 320KB]
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector" and "Loans to Households" Data
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (July)[PDF 235KB]
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Changes in Risk Perceptions on Yen Interest Rates and Exchange Rates Observed in Options Markets: Developments in Implied Probability Distributions amid Rate Hikes in the United States and Europe from 2022 to 2023
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor UCHIDA in Hakodate (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (July)[XLSX 82KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (July)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (July)[PDF 93KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on June 13 and 14, 2024[PDF 375KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Aug.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of July)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (July 31)
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (July 2024, full text)[PDF 1,620KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (July)[XLSX 27KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (August-October 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (August-September 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Payments/MarketsBank of Japan Presentation and Panel Session at the FIN/SUM 2024 Executive Summary of "Future of Wholesale Payments"
Payments/MarketsBank of Japan Presentation and Panel Session at the FIN/SUM 2024 Overview of "Future of Wholesale Payments"
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Principal Terms and Conditions of Complementary Deposit Facility"[PDF 76KB]
Monetary PolicyOutline of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Securities[PDF 256KB]
Monetary PolicySchedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (August-September 2024)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary Policy(Reference) Decisions at the July 2024 Monetary Policy Meeting[PDF 456KB]
Monetary PolicyScheduled Dates of Monetary Policy Meetings in 2025[PDF 278KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (July 2024, The Bank's View)[PDF 313KB]
Monetary PolicyChange in the Guideline for Money Market Operations and Decision on the Plan for the Reduction of the Purchase Amount of Japanese Government Bonds[PDF 471KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (June)[PDF 422KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (June)[PDF 149KB]
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Effects of Demographic Changes on Medium- to Long-Term Business Fixed Investment
Research/Studies(Research Lab) Demographic Trends and Household Savings and Investment
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (June)[PDF 222KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Int'l FinanceRenewal of Bilateral Swap Arrangement between Japan and Thailand[PDF 197KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (July 20)
Payments/MarketsMinutes of the Twentieth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings (July 9-10, 2024)[PDF 173KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Funds-Supplying Operations to Support Financing for Climate Change Responses[PDF 7KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Counterfactual Simulation of the Effect of Large-Scale Monetary Easing on Japan's Financial System
Research/Studies(Research Paper) The Effects of Monetary Easing on Japan's Financial System
StatisticsSenior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (July)[PDF 304KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Results of the Third Market Functioning Survey concerning Climate Change
Research/StudiesResults of the 98th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (July 10)
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (June)[PDF 287KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (June)[PDF 223KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (June)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsDiscontinued Publication of the Annual Report for the Balance of Payments Related Statistics and Access to Data on "Direct Investment by Type of Investment"
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (July 2024)
StatisticsLoans, Debt Securities, and Deposits by Maturity (End of September 2023)[XLSX 36KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (June)[PDF 234KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (June)[XLSX 76KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (June)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (June)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for July)[XLSX 17KB]
Public RelationsRemarks by Governor UEDA on the Introduction of a New Series of Bank of Japan Notes
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of June)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (June 30)
StatisticsTankan (June): Comprehensive Data Set
Financial SystemProgress in Common Data Platform and Next Steps
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (June)[XLSX 27KB]
StatisticsTankan (June): Summary and Outline
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (May)[PDF 147KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of May)[PDF 614KB]
Monetary PolicySchedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (July 2024)[PDF 98KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (July-September 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (July-August 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicySemiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Summary)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Linkage between Wage and Price Inflation in Japan
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Annex) "Results of the Survey regarding Corporate Behavior since the Mid-1990s"
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (May)[PDF 421KB]
Payments/MarketsMinutes of the Nineteenth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings (June 4-5, 2024)[PDF 211KB]
Research/Studies (Research Paper) On the Restructuring of Global Semiconductor Supply Chains
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (May)[PDF 226KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (June 20)
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on June 13 and 14, 2024[PDF 393KB]
Payments/MarketsHolding the Twentieth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings[PDF 193KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on April 25 and 26, 2024[PDF 458KB]
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Special aggregate index of the Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) based on labor cost ratio
Statistics(Research Paper) Rebasing the Services Producer Price Index to the Base Year 2020
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Councillors)
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(June 2024)[PDF 21KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Market Functioning in the Japanese Corporate Bond Market
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAMURA in Sapporo on June 6, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Monetary PolicyHolding the "Bond Market Group" Meetings[PDF 196KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 442KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (May)[PDF 287KB]
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Environment for Startups in Japan and Initiatives in the Regional Japan
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (June 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (May)[PDF 165KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Apr.)[PDF 147KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (May)[PDF 145KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (May)[PDF 234KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (May)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (May)[PDF 133KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member ADACHI in Kumamoto on May 29, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for June)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of May)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (May 31)
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey (May 2024)[PDF 174KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (May)[XLSX 27KB]
Monetary PolicyRelaxation of the Terms and Conditions for the Securities Lending Facility for the Cheapest-to-Deliver Issues[PDF 116KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (April-June 2024) (Revised)[PDF 102KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (June-August 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (June-July 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Financial SystemRegional and Shinkin Banks' Recent Efforts to Address Climate Change (FY2023)
StatisticsThe Release Schedule for the Rebased 2020 Services Producer Price Index
Payments/MarketsCentral Bank Digital Currency Experiments: Progress on the Pilot Program (April 2024)[PDF 1,273KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Apr.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Apr.)[PDF 615KB]
About the BankFinancial Statements for the 139th Fiscal Year/Fiscal 2023[PDF 84KB]
About the BankClimate Change Initiatives: Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations[PDF 528KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth[PDF 11KB]
StatisticsInternational Investment Position of Japan (Calendar Year Data) (End of 2023; End of 2022, Annually Revised Figures)
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Apr.)[PDF 250KB]
StatisticsPlanned Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts[PDF 182KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor UCHIDA at the 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference (Price Dynamics in Japan over the Past 25 Years)
Public RelationsOpening Remarks by Governor UEDA at the 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Assessing Measures of Inflation Expectations: A Term Structure and Forecasting Power Perspective
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Mar.)[PDF 616KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Mar.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Foreign Currency Liquidity Risk Management at Japanese Major Banks: Efforts and Enhancement
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (May 20)
Int'l FinanceRenewal of Bilateral Swap Arrangement between Japan and Singapore[PDF 196KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (March 2024)[PDF 78KB]
Banknotes/TreasuryNotes on Exchange of Damaged Cash after the Issuance of the New Series of Bank of Japan Notes
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector" and "Loans to Households" Data
Monetary PolicyHighlights of the Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices (April 2024)
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Amounts Outstanding of Deposits by Depositor" Data
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Apr.)[PDF 288KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (May 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Apr.)[PDF 168KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Apr.)[PDF 149KB]
Financial SystemClimate-Related Scenario Analysis - Next Step in the Banking Sector -
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Recent Developments in the Linkage between Wages and Prices
StatisticsDirect Investment by Region and Industry (2021 C.Y. and 2022 C.Y., Annually Revised Figures)
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Apr.)[PDF 234KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on April 25 and 26, 2024[PDF 394KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Apr.)[XLSX 85KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Apr.)[PDF 92KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Apr.)[PDF 133KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA at a Meeting Held by the Yomiuri International Economic Society in Tokyo (Virtuous Cycle between Wages and Prices and the Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for May)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Apr.)[XLSX 17KB]
Public RelationsRemarks by Governor UEDA at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on Apr. 19, 2024 (On the Recent Changes in the Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy Framework)
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (April 30)
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on March 18 and 19, 2024[PDF 544KB]
Payments/MarketsHolding the Nineteenth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings[PDF 195KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Apr.)[XLSX 28KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (April-June 2024) (Revised)[PDF 102KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (May-July 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (May-June 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (April 2024, full text)[PDF 1,809KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Mar.)[PDF 422KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Japan's Inflation under Global Inflation Synchronization
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Principal Terms and Conditions for the Funds-Supplying Operation to Support Financial Institutions in Disaster Areas"[PDF 91KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (April 2024, The Bank's View)[PDF 379KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 368KB]
Int'l FinanceG7 Cyber Expert Group Conducts Cross-Border Coordination Exercise in the Financial Sector
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Mar.)[PDF 313KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NOGUCHI in Saga on Apr. 18, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (April 20)
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (February 2024)[PDF 73KB]
StatisticsSenior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (Apr.)[PDF 303KB]
Research/StudiesFinancial System Report (April 2024)
Public RelationsSpeech by Exective Director SHIMIZU Seiichi at the ISDA 38th Annual General Meeting (Toward a More Robust and Developed Financial Market: Two "Transitions" and the Bank of Japan's Initiatives)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Private Debt Funds: What They Are and Trends under Interest Rate Hikes
Research/StudiesResults of the 97th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (April 10)
Financial SystemTwentieth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability"[PDF 204KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Mar.)[PDF 154KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Mar.)[PDF 287KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Representatives)
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Mar.)[PDF 234KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Mar.)[PDF 207KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Councillors)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Aggregate Implications of Changing Industrial Trends in Japan
StatisticsDirect Investment by Region and Industry (4th quarter 2023, 2023 C.Y.)
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (March 31)
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Mar.)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Mar.)[XLSX 95KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Mar.)[PDF 133KB]
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (Apr. 2024)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAMURA in Aomori on Mar. 27, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Apr.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Mar.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsTankan (Mar.): Comprehensive Data Set
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Mar.)[XLSX 31KB]
StatisticsTankan (Mar.): Summary and Outline
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (April-June 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (April-May 2024)[PDF 48KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Feb.)[PDF 422KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Feb.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Feb.)[PDF 617KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on March 18 and 19, 2024[PDF 394KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Feb.)[PDF 236KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Changes in the Global Economic Landscape and Issues for Japan's Economy
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on January 22 and 23, 2024[PDF 493KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
About the BankRelease of Medium-Term Strategic Plan (Fiscal 2024-2028)
About the BankPerformance Review of Medium-Term Strategic Plan (Fiscal 2019-2023)
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (March 20)
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (January 2024)[PDF 73KB]
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Principal Terms and Conditions of ComplementaryDeposit Facility"[PDF 108KB]
Monetary PolicyOutline of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Securities[PDF 256KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (April-June 2024)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary PolicyMarket Operation Measures following the Monetary Policy Decision Today[PDF 374KB]
Monetary Policy(Reference) Changes in the Monetary Policy Framework[PDF 437KB]
Monetary PolicyChanges in the Monetary Policy Framework[PDF 464KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(March 2024)[PDF 21KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Feb.)[PDF 288KB]
Financial SystemOn-Site Examination Policy for Fiscal 2024[PDF 570KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAGAWA in Shimane on Mar. 7, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (March 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Feb.)[PDF 167KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
Monetary Policy(Research Paper) The Effects and Side Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy: Summary of the First Workshop on the "Review of Monetary Policy from a Broad Perspective"
StatisticsMoney Stock (Feb.)[PDF 153KB]
Research/Studies(IMES Newsletter) 2023 BOJ-IMES Finance Workshop
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Feb.)[PDF 234KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Feb.)[XLSX 82KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Feb.)[PDF 92KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Feb.)[PDF 133KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA at the 18th Asia-Pacific High-Level Meeting on Banking Supervision (Progress and Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Financial System)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAKATA in Shiga on Feb. 29, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsRegular Revision of the Tankan Sample Enterprises
Public RelationsRemarks by Governor UEDA at the FIN/SUM 2024 (What to Know about Central Bank Digital Currency)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Mar.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Feb.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (February 29)
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Jan.)[PDF 617KB]
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey (February 2024)[PDF 174KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Feb.)[XLSX 27KB]
About the BankThe Bank of Japan's Capital Subscription to the Japan Financial Literacy and Education Corporation[PDF 187KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Jan.)[PDF 147KB]
Monetary PolicyRelaxation of the Terms and Conditions for the Securities Lending Facility for the Cheapest-to-Deliver Issues[PDF 117KB]
Monetary PolicyMaximum Amounts Outstanding of a Single Issuer's Corporate Bonds to Be Purchased[PDF 194KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (January-March 2024) (Revised)[PDF 102KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (March-May 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (March-April 2024)[PDF 49KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Jan.)[PDF 422KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth[PDF 13KB]
Payments/MarketsSummary of the "Meeting on Market Operations" (February 2024)[PDF 138KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Dec.)[PDF 617KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Jan.)[PDF 244KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (February 20)
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (December 2023)[PDF 77KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) What Caused the Pandemic-Era Inflation?: Application of the Bernanke-Blanchard Model to Japan
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Research/Studies(IMES Newsletter) 2023 BOK/ERI - BOJ/IMES Joint Research Workshop
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (February 10)
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Jan.)[PDF 288KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Dec.)[PDF 148KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Jan.)[PDF 164KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Jan.)[PDF 145KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor UCHIDA in Nara (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
StatisticsAddition of a New Item to the Portfolio Investment Assets by Quotation Currency
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector" and "Loans to Households" Data
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Jan.)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Jan.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Jan.)[PDF 92KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Jan.)[XLSX 80KB]
Monetary PolicyHighlights of the Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices (January 2024)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Feb.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Jan.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (January 31)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Jan.)[XLSX 28KB]
Payments/MarketsTiming of Version Upgrade: ISO 20022 Messaging Standard for the BOJ-NET[PDF 189KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Dec.)[PDF 422KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on January 22 and 23, 2024[PDF 317KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (January-March 2024) (Revised)[PDF 102KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (February-April 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (February-March 2024)[PDF 49KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Funds-Supplying Operations to Support Financing for Climate Change Responses[PDF 8KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on December 18 and 19, 2023[PDF 469KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Dec.)[PDF 251KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (January 2024, full text)[PDF 1,588KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Principal Terms and Conditions for the Loan Support Program"[PDF 28KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (January 2024, The Bank's View)[PDF 320KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 373KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (January 20)
StatisticsSenior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (Jan.)[PDF 311KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (November 2023)[PDF 71KB]
Research/StudiesResults of the 96th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Dec.)[PDF 289KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Dec.)[PDF 212KB]
Payments/MarketsNotice of the "Meeting on Market Operations"[PDF 136KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Dec.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (January 10)
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Dec.)[PDF 235KB]
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (Jan. 2024)
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Dec.)[XLSX 95KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Dec.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Dec.)[PDF 93KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Jan.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Dec.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (December 31)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Dec.)[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Nov.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Nov.)[PDF 150KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Nov.)[PDF 427KB]
Payments/MarketsMinutes of the Eighteenth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings (December 7-8, 2023)[PDF 154KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (January-March 2024)[PDF 97KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (January-March 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (January-February 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on December 18 and 19, 2023[PDF 380KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Nov.)[PDF 238KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA at the Meeting of Councillors of Keidanren (Wages and Prices: Past, Present, and Future)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (December 20)
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on October 30 and 31, 2023[PDF 496KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Top-Down Scenario Analysis of Climate-Related Financial Risks: Perspective from Time Horizon and Inter-Industry Spillovers
Research/Studies(Research Paper) IMES DPS: How Do People Form the Perception of a Link between Foreign Exchange Rates and Exports? The Experience of Japan in the 1920s
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (October 2023)[PDF 77KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 374KB]
Monetary PolicySemiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Summary)
StatisticsTankan (Dec.): Comprehensive Data Set
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(December 2023)[PDF 21KB]
StatisticsTankan (Dec.): Summary and Outline
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Nov.)[PDF 290KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Central Bank Finances and Monetary Policy Conduct
Banknotes/TreasuryIssuance Date for the New Series of Bank of Japan Notes
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (December 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Nov.)[PDF 167KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 184KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Nov.)[PDF 150KB]
Payments/MarketsTrends in the Money Market in Japan -- Results of the Tokyo Money Market Survey (August 2023) --
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Nov.)[PDF 236KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAMURA in Hyogo on Nov. 30, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Monetary PolicyOutline of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Securities[PDF 268KB]
Monetary PolicyTreatment of Japan Climate Transition Bonds in the Bank's Market Operations[PDF 58KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Councillors)
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Nov.)[XLSX 94KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Nov.)[PDF 91KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Nov.)[PDF 132KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member ADACHI in Ehime on Nov. 29, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor HIMINO in Oita (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Payments/MarketsSixth Meeting of the Cross-Industry Forum on Interest Rate Benchmarks
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Dec.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Nov.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (November 30)
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey, Results of Special Survey (November 2023)[PDF 376KB]
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey (November 2023)[PDF 161KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Nov.)[XLSX 27KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Oct.)[PDF 427KB]
Monetary PolicyRelaxation of the Terms and Conditions for the Securities Lending Facility for the Cheapest-to-Deliver Issues[PDF 116KB]
Monetary PolicyMaximum Amounts Outstanding of a Single Issuer's Corporate Bonds to Be Purchased[PDF 194KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (October-December 2023) (Revised)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (December 2023-February 2024)[PDF 56KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (December 2023-January 2024)[PDF 49KB]
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Efforts to Improve Payments Using DLT
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Oct.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Oct.)[PDF 148KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth[PDF 26KB]
About the BankFinancial Statements for the First Half of the 139th Fiscal Year/Fiscal 2023[PDF 94KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Oct.)[PDF 252KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Sept.)[PDF 150KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Sept.)[PDF 427KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (November 20)
Research/StudiesMonetary and Economic Studies (Vol.41)
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (September 2023)[PDF 76KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Representatives)
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector" and "Loans to Households" Data
Monetary PolicyHighlights of the Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices (October 2023)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Developments in Corporate Bond Spreads at Issuance
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (November 10)
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Oct.)[PDF 289KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Oct.)[PDF 194KB]
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Amounts Outstanding of Deposits by Depositor" Data
StatisticsMoney Stock (Oct.)[PDF 146KB]
Public RelationsNGFS publishes the NGFS Climate Scenarios
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on October 30 and 31, 2023[PDF 315KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Oct.)[PDF 236KB]
About the BankWarning against Fake Websites Using the Bank of Japan's Name
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Oct.)[XLSX 140KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Oct.)[PDF 91KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Oct.)[PDF 132KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA in Nagoya (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on September 21 and 22, 2023[PDF 387KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Nov.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Oct.)[XLSX 17KB]
Payments/MarketsHolding the Eighteenth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings[PDF 186KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (October 31)
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (October 2023, full text)[PDF 1,647KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Oct.)[XLSX 28KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (November 2023-January 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (November-December 2023)[PDF 49KB]
Monetary Policy(Reference) Further Increasing the Flexibility in the Conduct of Yield Curve Control (YCC)[PDF 88KB]
Monetary PolicyOutline of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Securities[PDF 267KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (October-December 2023) (Revised)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary PolicyMarket Operation Measures following the Monetary Policy Decision Today[PDF 367KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (October 2023, The Bank's View)[PDF 382KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 452KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Sept.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Sept.)[PDF 238KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (October 20)
StatisticsSenior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (Oct.)[PDF 311KB]
Research/Studies(IMES Newsletter) BoC - Philadelphia Fed - BOJ Joint Workshop
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (August 2023)[PDF 85KB]
Monetary PolicyAnnouncement on the Conduct of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral[PDF 179KB]
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (Oct. 2023)
Research/StudiesFinancial System Report Annex "Results of the Cybersecurity Self-Assessment for Regional Financial Institutions (FY2022)"
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NOGUCHI in Niigata on Oct. 12, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Financial SystemNineteenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability"[PDF 100KB]
Research/StudiesResults of the 95th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
Payments/MarketsSummary of the "Meeting on Market Operations" (October 2023)[PDF 136KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Sept.)[PDF 145KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Sept.)[PDF 290KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (October 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Sept.)[PDF 168KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Sept.)[PDF 236KB]
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Prices of Eligible Collateral"[PDF 245KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 184KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 30)
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Sept.)[PDF 132KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Sept.)[XLSX 153KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Sept.)[PDF 91KB]
Monetary PolicyAnnouncement on the Conduct of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral[PDF 181KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Oct.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Sept.)[XLSX 17KB]
Monetary PolicyAddition to the Auction Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds[PDF 181KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on September 21 and 22, 2023[PDF 315KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA at the Japan Society of Monetary Economics (Central Bank Finances and Monetary Policy Conduct)
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (October-December 2023)[PDF 97KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (October-December 2023)[PDF 56KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (October-November 2023)[PDF 49KB]
Financial SystemSummary of Results of the Fifth Survey on the Use of LIBOR
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Central Bank Mandates and Communication about Climate Change
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Aug.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Aug.)[PDF 148KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Aug.)[PDF 426KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on July 27 and 28, 2023[PDF 493KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Aug.)[PDF 237KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA in Osaka (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 374KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 20)
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (July 2023)[PDF 73KB]
Int'l FinanceRenewal of Bilateral Swap Arrangement between Japan and Malaysia[PDF 198KB]
Research/StudiesFinancial System Report Annex "Financial Results of Japan's Banks for Fiscal 2022"
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(September 2023)[PDF 21KB]
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Retail Foreign Exchange Margin Trading in Japan: An Analysis from the Developments in 2022
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Aug.)[PDF 167KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Aug.)[PDF 288KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAGAWA in Kochi on Sept. 7, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 10)
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Recent Characteristics of Long-Term Interest Rates and Stock Prices in the United States and Europe: with a Focus on the Effects of Increased Attention to Inflation Indicators
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAKATA in Yamaguchi on Sept. 6, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Monetary PolicyAnnouncement on the Conduct of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral[PDF 180KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Aug.)[PDF 149KB]
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Market Operations in Fiscal 2022
Payments/MarketsNotice of the "Meeting on Market Operations"[PDF 142KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Aug.)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Aug.)[XLSX 90KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Aug.)[PDF 91KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Aug.)[PDF 133KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAMURA in Gifu on Aug. 31, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAMURA in Eastern Hokkaido on Aug. 30, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Sept.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Aug.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (August 31)
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Prices of Eligible Collateral"[PDF 251KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on September 19 and 20, 2024[PDF 391KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (October-December 2024)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (October-December 2024)[PDF 56KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (October-November 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on July 30 and 31, 2024[PDF 514KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 437KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(September 2024)[PDF 20KB]
Monetary PolicyRelaxation of the Terms and Conditions for the Securities Lending Facility for the Cheapest-to-Deliver Issues[PDF 129KB]
Monetary PolicySchedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (August-September 2024) (Schedule Updates)[PDF 101KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (September-November 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (September-October 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth[PDF 13KB]
Monetary PolicyHighlights of the Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices (July 2024)
Monetary Policy(Research Paper) Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy over the Past 25 Years: Summary of the Second Workshop on the "Review of Monetary Policy from a Broad Perspective"
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on July 30 and 31, 2024[PDF 320KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on June 13 and 14, 2024[PDF 375KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (July 2024, full text)[PDF 1,620KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (August-October 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (August-September 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Principal Terms and Conditions of Complementary Deposit Facility"[PDF 76KB]
Monetary PolicyOutline of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Securities[PDF 256KB]
Monetary PolicySchedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (August-September 2024)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary Policy(Reference) Decisions at the July 2024 Monetary Policy Meeting[PDF 456KB]
Monetary PolicyScheduled Dates of Monetary Policy Meetings in 2025[PDF 278KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (July 2024, The Bank's View)[PDF 313KB]
Monetary PolicyChange in the Guideline for Money Market Operations and Decision on the Plan for the Reduction of the Purchase Amount of Japanese Government Bonds[PDF 471KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Funds-Supplying Operations to Support Financing for Climate Change Responses[PDF 7KB]
Monetary PolicySchedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (July 2024)[PDF 98KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (July-September 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (July-August 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicySemiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Summary)
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on June 13 and 14, 2024[PDF 393KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on April 25 and 26, 2024[PDF 458KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Councillors)
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(June 2024)[PDF 21KB]
Monetary PolicyHolding the "Bond Market Group" Meetings[PDF 196KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 442KB]
Monetary PolicyRelaxation of the Terms and Conditions for the Securities Lending Facility for the Cheapest-to-Deliver Issues[PDF 116KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (April-June 2024) (Revised)[PDF 102KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (June-August 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (June-July 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth[PDF 11KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (March 2024)[PDF 78KB]
Monetary PolicyHighlights of the Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices (April 2024)
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on April 25 and 26, 2024[PDF 394KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on March 18 and 19, 2024[PDF 544KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (April-June 2024) (Revised)[PDF 102KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (May-July 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (May-June 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (April 2024, full text)[PDF 1,809KB]
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Principal Terms and Conditions for the Funds-Supplying Operation to Support Financial Institutions in Disaster Areas"[PDF 91KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (April 2024, The Bank's View)[PDF 379KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 368KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (February 2024)[PDF 73KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Representatives)
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Councillors)
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (April-June 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (April-May 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on March 18 and 19, 2024[PDF 394KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on January 22 and 23, 2024[PDF 493KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (January 2024)[PDF 73KB]
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Principal Terms and Conditions of ComplementaryDeposit Facility"[PDF 108KB]
Monetary PolicyOutline of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Securities[PDF 256KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (April-June 2024)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary PolicyMarket Operation Measures following the Monetary Policy Decision Today[PDF 374KB]
Monetary Policy(Reference) Changes in the Monetary Policy Framework[PDF 437KB]
Monetary PolicyChanges in the Monetary Policy Framework[PDF 464KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(March 2024)[PDF 21KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
Monetary Policy(Research Paper) The Effects and Side Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy: Summary of the First Workshop on the "Review of Monetary Policy from a Broad Perspective"
Monetary PolicyRelaxation of the Terms and Conditions for the Securities Lending Facility for the Cheapest-to-Deliver Issues[PDF 117KB]
Monetary PolicyMaximum Amounts Outstanding of a Single Issuer's Corporate Bonds to Be Purchased[PDF 194KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (January-March 2024) (Revised)[PDF 102KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (March-May 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (March-April 2024)[PDF 49KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth[PDF 13KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (December 2023)[PDF 77KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
Monetary PolicyHighlights of the Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices (January 2024)
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on January 22 and 23, 2024[PDF 317KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (January-March 2024) (Revised)[PDF 102KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (February-April 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (February-March 2024)[PDF 49KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Funds-Supplying Operations to Support Financing for Climate Change Responses[PDF 8KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on December 18 and 19, 2023[PDF 469KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (January 2024, full text)[PDF 1,588KB]
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Principal Terms and Conditions for the Loan Support Program"[PDF 28KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (January 2024, The Bank's View)[PDF 320KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 373KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (November 2023)[PDF 71KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (January-March 2024)[PDF 97KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (January-March 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (January-February 2024)[PDF 48KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on December 18 and 19, 2023[PDF 380KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on October 30 and 31, 2023[PDF 496KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (October 2023)[PDF 77KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 374KB]
Monetary PolicySemiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Summary)
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(December 2023)[PDF 21KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 184KB]
Monetary PolicyOutline of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Securities[PDF 268KB]
Monetary PolicyTreatment of Japan Climate Transition Bonds in the Bank's Market Operations[PDF 58KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Councillors)
Monetary PolicyRelaxation of the Terms and Conditions for the Securities Lending Facility for the Cheapest-to-Deliver Issues[PDF 116KB]
Monetary PolicyMaximum Amounts Outstanding of a Single Issuer's Corporate Bonds to Be Purchased[PDF 194KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (October-December 2023) (Revised)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (December 2023-February 2024)[PDF 56KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (December 2023-January 2024)[PDF 49KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Support Strengthening the Foundations for Economic Growth[PDF 26KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (September 2023)[PDF 76KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement by Governor UEDA concerning the Bank's Semiannual Report on Currency and Monetary Control (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Representatives)
Monetary PolicyHighlights of the Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices (October 2023)
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on October 30 and 31, 2023[PDF 315KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on September 21 and 22, 2023[PDF 387KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (October 2023, full text)[PDF 1,647KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (November 2023-January 2024)[PDF 55KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (November-December 2023)[PDF 49KB]
Monetary Policy(Reference) Further Increasing the Flexibility in the Conduct of Yield Curve Control (YCC)[PDF 88KB]
Monetary PolicyOutline of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Securities[PDF 267KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (October-December 2023) (Revised)[PDF 100KB]
Monetary PolicyMarket Operation Measures following the Monetary Policy Decision Today[PDF 367KB]
Monetary PolicyOutlook for Economic Activity and Prices (October 2023, The Bank's View)[PDF 382KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 452KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (August 2023)[PDF 85KB]
Monetary PolicyAnnouncement on the Conduct of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral[PDF 179KB]
Monetary PolicyAmendment to "Prices of Eligible Collateral"[PDF 245KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 184KB]
Monetary PolicyAnnouncement on the Conduct of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral[PDF 181KB]
Monetary PolicyAddition to the Auction Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds[PDF 181KB]
Monetary PolicySummary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on September 21 and 22, 2023[PDF 315KB]
Monetary PolicyQuarterly Schedule of Outright Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (Competitive Auction Method) (October-December 2023)[PDF 97KB]
Monetary PolicyTimetable and Schedule of U.S. Dollar Funds-Supplying Operations (October-December 2023)[PDF 56KB]
Monetary PolicySchedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (October-November 2023)[PDF 49KB]
Monetary PolicyMinutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on July 27 and 28, 2023[PDF 493KB]
Monetary PolicyStatement on Monetary Policy[PDF 374KB]
Monetary PolicyEach Category's Amount Outstanding of the Interest Scheme to Promote Lending (July 2023)[PDF 73KB]
Monetary PolicyLoan Disbursement under the Fund-Provisioning Measure to Stimulate Bank Lending(September 2023)[PDF 21KB]
Monetary PolicyReview of the Benchmark Ratio Used to Calculate the Macro Add-on Balance in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan[PDF 185KB]
Monetary PolicyAnnouncement on the Conduct of Funds-Supplying Operations against Pooled Collateral[PDF 180KB]
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NOGUCHI in Nagasaki on Oct. 3, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA in Osaka (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAMURA in Okayama on Sept. 12, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAGAWA in Akita on Sept.11, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAKATA in Ishikawa on Sept. 5, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor HIMINO in Yamanashi (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor UCHIDA in Hakodate (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Public RelationsRemarks by Governor UEDA on the Introduction of a New Series of Bank of Japan Notes
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAMURA in Sapporo on June 6, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member ADACHI in Kumamoto on May 29, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor UCHIDA at the 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference (Price Dynamics in Japan over the Past 25 Years)
Public RelationsOpening Remarks by Governor UEDA at the 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA at a Meeting Held by the Yomiuri International Economic Society in Tokyo (Virtuous Cycle between Wages and Prices and the Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy)
Public RelationsRemarks by Governor UEDA at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on Apr. 19, 2024 (On the Recent Changes in the Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy Framework)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NOGUCHI in Saga on Apr. 18, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Exective Director SHIMIZU Seiichi at the ISDA 38th Annual General Meeting (Toward a More Robust and Developed Financial Market: Two "Transitions" and the Bank of Japan's Initiatives)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAMURA in Aomori on Mar. 27, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAGAWA in Shimane on Mar. 7, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA at the 18th Asia-Pacific High-Level Meeting on Banking Supervision (Progress and Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Financial System)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAKATA in Shiga on Feb. 29, 2024 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsRemarks by Governor UEDA at the FIN/SUM 2024 (What to Know about Central Bank Digital Currency)
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor UCHIDA in Nara (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA at the Meeting of Councillors of Keidanren (Wages and Prices: Past, Present, and Future)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAMURA in Hyogo on Nov. 30, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member ADACHI in Ehime on Nov. 29, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Deputy Governor HIMINO in Oita (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA in Nagoya (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NOGUCHI in Niigata on Oct. 12, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA at the Japan Society of Monetary Economics (Central Bank Finances and Monetary Policy Conduct)
Public RelationsSpeech by Governor UEDA in Osaka (Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAGAWA in Kochi on Sept. 7, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAKATA in Yamaguchi on Sept. 6, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member NAKAMURA in Gifu on Aug. 31, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
Public RelationsSpeech by Board Member TAMURA in Eastern Hokkaido on Aug. 30, 2023 (Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan)
StatisticsMoney Stock (Sept.)[PDF 145KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Sept.)[PDF 289KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Sept.)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Sept.)[PDF 224KB]
StatisticsDirect Investment by Region and Industry (2nd quarter 2024)
StatisticsAmounts Outstanding in the Call Money Market (Sept.)[XLSX 34KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 30)
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Sept.)[XLSX 71KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Sept.)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Sept.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Oct.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Sept.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsTankan (Sept.): Comprehensive Data Set
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Aug.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base (Sept.)
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Aug.)[PDF 611KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Sept.)[XLSX 27KB]
StatisticsTankan (Sept.): Summary and Outline
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Aug.)[PDF 422KB]
StatisticsThe Results of BIS International Locational Banking Statistics and International Consolidated Banking Statistics in Japan (end-June 2024)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 20)
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Aug.)[PDF 222KB]
StatisticsStatistics on Securities Financing Transactions in Japan (Aug. 2024)
StatisticsFlow of Funds Accounts (2nd Quarter 2024, Preliminary Figures)
StatisticsBOJ Current Account Balances by Sector (Aug.)[XLSX 24KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Aug.)[PDF 226KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Aug.)[PDF 288KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Aug.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Aug.)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Aug.)[XLSX 79KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Aug.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Aug.)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsRegular Derivatives Market Statistics in Japan (end-June 2024)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Sept.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Aug.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (August 31)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Aug.)[XLSX 27KB]
StatisticsFlow of Funds - Overview of Japan, US, and the Euro area - (1st Quarter 2024)[PDF 321KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (July)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of July)[PDF 611KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (July)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (July)[PDF 232KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of June)[PDF 612KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (August 20)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (August 10)
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (July)[PDF 288KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (July)[PDF 224KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (July)[PDF 145KB]
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector" and "Loans to Households" Data
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (July)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (July)[XLSX 82KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (July)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (July)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Aug.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of July)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (July 31)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (July)[XLSX 27KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (June)[PDF 422KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (June)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (June)[PDF 222KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (July 20)
StatisticsSenior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (July)[PDF 304KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (July 10)
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (June)[PDF 287KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (June)[PDF 223KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (June)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsDiscontinued Publication of the Annual Report for the Balance of Payments Related Statistics and Access to Data on "Direct Investment by Type of Investment"
StatisticsLoans, Debt Securities, and Deposits by Maturity (End of September 2023)[XLSX 36KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (June)[PDF 234KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (June)[XLSX 76KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (June)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (June)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for July)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of June)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (June 30)
StatisticsTankan (June): Comprehensive Data Set
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (June)[XLSX 27KB]
StatisticsTankan (June): Summary and Outline
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (May)[PDF 147KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of May)[PDF 614KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (May)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (May)[PDF 226KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (June 20)
Statistics(Research Paper) Rebasing the Services Producer Price Index to the Base Year 2020
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (May)[PDF 287KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (June 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (May)[PDF 165KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Apr.)[PDF 147KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (May)[PDF 145KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (May)[PDF 234KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (May)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (May)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for June)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of May)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (May 31)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (May)[XLSX 27KB]
StatisticsThe Release Schedule for the Rebased 2020 Services Producer Price Index
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Apr.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Apr.)[PDF 615KB]
StatisticsInternational Investment Position of Japan (Calendar Year Data) (End of 2023; End of 2022, Annually Revised Figures)
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Apr.)[PDF 250KB]
StatisticsPlanned Retroactive Revision to the Flow of Funds Accounts[PDF 182KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Mar.)[PDF 616KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Mar.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (May 20)
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector" and "Loans to Households" Data
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Amounts Outstanding of Deposits by Depositor" Data
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Apr.)[PDF 288KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (May 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Apr.)[PDF 168KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Apr.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsDirect Investment by Region and Industry (2021 C.Y. and 2022 C.Y., Annually Revised Figures)
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Apr.)[PDF 234KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Apr.)[XLSX 85KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Apr.)[PDF 92KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Apr.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for May)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Apr.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (April 30)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Apr.)[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Mar.)[PDF 422KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Mar.)[PDF 313KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (April 20)
StatisticsSenior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (Apr.)[PDF 303KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (April 10)
StatisticsMoney Stock (Mar.)[PDF 154KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Mar.)[PDF 287KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Mar.)[PDF 234KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Mar.)[PDF 207KB]
StatisticsDirect Investment by Region and Industry (4th quarter 2023, 2023 C.Y.)
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (March 31)
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Mar.)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Mar.)[XLSX 95KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Mar.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Apr.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Mar.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsTankan (Mar.): Comprehensive Data Set
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Mar.)[XLSX 31KB]
StatisticsTankan (Mar.): Summary and Outline
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Feb.)[PDF 422KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Feb.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Feb.)[PDF 617KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Feb.)[PDF 236KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (March 20)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Feb.)[PDF 288KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (March 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Feb.)[PDF 167KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Feb.)[PDF 153KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Feb.)[PDF 234KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Feb.)[PDF 92KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Feb.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Feb.)[XLSX 82KB]
StatisticsRegular Revision of the Tankan Sample Enterprises
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Mar.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Feb.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (February 29)
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Jan.)[PDF 617KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Feb.)[XLSX 27KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Jan.)[PDF 147KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Jan.)[PDF 422KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Dec.)[PDF 617KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Jan.)[PDF 244KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (February 20)
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (February 10)
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Jan.)[PDF 288KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Dec.)[PDF 148KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Jan.)[PDF 164KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Jan.)[PDF 145KB]
StatisticsAddition of a New Item to the Portfolio Investment Assets by Quotation Currency
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector" and "Loans to Households" Data
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Jan.)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Jan.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Jan.)[PDF 92KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Jan.)[XLSX 80KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Feb.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Jan.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (January 31)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Jan.)[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Dec.)[PDF 422KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Dec.)[PDF 251KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (January 20)
StatisticsSenior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (Jan.)[PDF 311KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Dec.)[PDF 289KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Dec.)[PDF 212KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Dec.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (January 10)
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Dec.)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Dec.)[XLSX 95KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Dec.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Dec.)[PDF 93KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Jan.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Dec.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (December 31)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Dec.)[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Nov.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Nov.)[PDF 150KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Nov.)[PDF 427KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Nov.)[PDF 238KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (December 20)
StatisticsTankan (Dec.): Comprehensive Data Set
StatisticsTankan (Dec.): Summary and Outline
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Nov.)[PDF 290KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (December 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Nov.)[PDF 167KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Nov.)[PDF 150KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Nov.)[PDF 236KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Nov.)[XLSX 94KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Nov.)[PDF 91KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Nov.)[PDF 132KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Dec.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Nov.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (November 30)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Nov.)[XLSX 27KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Oct.)[PDF 427KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Oct.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Oct.)[PDF 148KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Oct.)[PDF 252KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Sept.)[PDF 150KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Sept.)[PDF 427KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (November 20)
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Loans and Bills Discounted by Sector" and "Loans to Households" Data
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (November 10)
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Oct.)[PDF 289KB]
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Oct.)[PDF 194KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Oct.)[PDF 146KB]
StatisticsRelease of Latest "Amounts Outstanding of Deposits by Depositor" Data
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Oct.)[PDF 236KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Oct.)[XLSX 140KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Oct.)[PDF 91KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Oct.)[PDF 132KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Nov.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Oct.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (October 31)
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances and Market Operations (Oct.)[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Sept.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Sept.)[PDF 238KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (October 20)
StatisticsSenior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (Oct.)[PDF 311KB]
StatisticsMoney Stock (Sept.)[PDF 145KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Sept.)[PDF 290KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (October 10)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Sept.)[PDF 168KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Sept.)[PDF 236KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 30)
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Sept.)[PDF 132KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Sept.)[XLSX 153KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Sept.)[PDF 91KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Oct.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Sept.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsPayment and Settlement Statistics (Aug.)[PDF 421KB]
StatisticsAssets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (End of Aug.)[PDF 426KB]
StatisticsAverage Contract Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Aug.)[PDF 148KB]
StatisticsServices Producer Price Index (Aug.)[PDF 237KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 20)
StatisticsCorporate Goods Price Index (Aug.)[PDF 167KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBasic Figures on Fails (Aug.)[PDF 288KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (September 10)
StatisticsMoney Stock (Aug.)[PDF 149KB]
StatisticsPrincipal Figures of Financial Institutions (Aug.)[PDF 235KB]
StatisticsMarket Operations by the Bank of Japan (Aug.)[XLSX 90KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan's Transactions with the Government (Aug.)[PDF 91KB]
StatisticsMonetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions (Aug.)[PDF 133KB]
StatisticsSources of Changes in Current Account Balances (Projections for Sept.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsJapanese Government Bonds Held by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 28KB]
StatisticsT-Bills Purchased by the Bank of Japan[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsCollateral Accepted by the Bank of Japan (End of Aug.)[XLSX 17KB]
StatisticsBank of Japan Accounts (August 31)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Recent Developments in Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (Oct. 2024)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Pricing Implications of Centrality in an OTC Derivative Market: An Empirical Analysis Using Transaction-Level CDS Data
Research/Studies(Research Paper) IMES DPS: 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference (Summary)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) IMES DPS: The Signaling Effects of Fiscal Announcements
Research/StudiesFinancial System Report Annex "Financial Results of Japan's Banks for Fiscal 2023"
Research/Studies(Research Paper) The Bank of Japan's Large-Scale Government Bond Purchases and the Formation of Long-Term Interest Rates
Research/StudiesPayment and Settlement Systems Report (September 2024)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) The Impact of Quantitative and Qualitative Easing and Yield Curve Control on the Functioning of the Japanese Government Bond Market
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Deposit Tokenization: Survey of Overseas Initiatives
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Market Operations in Fiscal 2023
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Changes in Risk Perceptions on Yen Interest Rates and Exchange Rates Observed in Options Markets: Developments in Implied Probability Distributions amid Rate Hikes in the United States and Europe from 2022 to 2023
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Effects of Demographic Changes on Medium- to Long-Term Business Fixed Investment
Research/Studies(Research Lab) Demographic Trends and Household Savings and Investment
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Counterfactual Simulation of the Effect of Large-Scale Monetary Easing on Japan's Financial System
Research/Studies(Research Paper) The Effects of Monetary Easing on Japan's Financial System
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Results of the Third Market Functioning Survey concerning Climate Change
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (July 2024)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Linkage between Wage and Price Inflation in Japan
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Annex) "Results of the Survey regarding Corporate Behavior since the Mid-1990s"
Research/Studies (Research Paper) On the Restructuring of Global Semiconductor Supply Chains
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Special aggregate index of the Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) based on labor cost ratio
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Market Functioning in the Japanese Corporate Bond Market
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Environment for Startups in Japan and Initiatives in the Regional Japan
Financial SystemRegional and Shinkin Banks' Recent Efforts to Address Climate Change (FY2023)
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Assessing Measures of Inflation Expectations: A Term Structure and Forecasting Power Perspective
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Foreign Currency Liquidity Risk Management at Japanese Major Banks: Efforts and Enhancement
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Recent Developments in the Linkage between Wages and Prices
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Japan's Inflation under Global Inflation Synchronization
Research/StudiesFinancial System Report (April 2024)
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Private Debt Funds: What They Are and Trends under Interest Rate Hikes
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Aggregate Implications of Changing Industrial Trends in Japan
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (Apr. 2024)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Changes in the Global Economic Landscape and Issues for Japan's Economy
Research/Studies(Research Paper) What Caused the Pandemic-Era Inflation?: Application of the Bernanke-Blanchard Model to Japan
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (Jan. 2024)
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Top-Down Scenario Analysis of Climate-Related Financial Risks: Perspective from Time Horizon and Inter-Industry Spillovers
Research/Studies(Research Paper) IMES DPS: How Do People Form the Perception of a Link between Foreign Exchange Rates and Exports? The Experience of Japan in the 1920s
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Central Bank Finances and Monetary Policy Conduct
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Efforts to Improve Payments Using DLT
Research/StudiesMonetary and Economic Studies (Vol.41)
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Developments in Corporate Bond Spreads at Issuance
Research/StudiesRegional Economic Report (Summary) (Oct. 2023)
Research/StudiesFinancial System Report Annex "Results of the Cybersecurity Self-Assessment for Regional Financial Institutions (FY2022)"
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Central Bank Mandates and Communication about Climate Change
Research/StudiesFinancial System Report Annex "Financial Results of Japan's Banks for Fiscal 2022"
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Retail Foreign Exchange Margin Trading in Japan: An Analysis from the Developments in 2022
Research/Studies(BOJ Review) Recent Characteristics of Long-Term Interest Rates and Stock Prices in the United States and Europe: with a Focus on the Effects of Increased Attention to Inflation Indicators
Research/Studies(Research Paper) Market Operations in Fiscal 2022
Financial SystemTwenty-first Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability"[PDF 195KB]
Research/StudiesResults of the 99th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
Research/StudiesConsumption Activity Index
Research/StudiesOutput Gap and Potential Growth Rate
Public RelationsMeeting on the Third Market Functioning Survey concerning Climate Change
Payments/MarketsLiquidity Indicators in the JGB Markets (August)[PDF 1,117KB]
Research/StudiesMeasures of Underlying Inflation
Research/StudiesDevelopments in Real Exports and Real Imports
Payments/MarketsNotice of the "Meeting on Market Operations"[PDF 125KB]
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey (August 2024)[PDF 160KB]
About the BankAnnual Review 2024
Research/Studies(IMES Newsletter) 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference
Payments/MarketsBank of Japan Presentation and Panel Session at the FIN/SUM 2024 Executive Summary of "Future of Wholesale Payments"
Payments/MarketsBank of Japan Presentation and Panel Session at the FIN/SUM 2024 Overview of "Future of Wholesale Payments"
Int'l FinanceRenewal of Bilateral Swap Arrangement between Japan and Thailand[PDF 197KB]
Payments/MarketsMinutes of the Twentieth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings (July 9-10, 2024)[PDF 173KB]
Research/StudiesResults of the 98th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
Financial SystemProgress in Common Data Platform and Next Steps
Payments/MarketsMinutes of the Nineteenth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings (June 4-5, 2024)[PDF 211KB]
Payments/MarketsHolding the Twentieth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings[PDF 193KB]
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey (May 2024)[PDF 174KB]
Payments/MarketsCentral Bank Digital Currency Experiments: Progress on the Pilot Program (April 2024)[PDF 1,273KB]
About the BankFinancial Statements for the 139th Fiscal Year/Fiscal 2023[PDF 84KB]
About the BankClimate Change Initiatives: Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations[PDF 528KB]
Int'l FinanceRenewal of Bilateral Swap Arrangement between Japan and Singapore[PDF 196KB]
Banknotes/TreasuryNotes on Exchange of Damaged Cash after the Issuance of the New Series of Bank of Japan Notes
Financial SystemClimate-Related Scenario Analysis - Next Step in the Banking Sector -
Payments/MarketsHolding the Nineteenth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings[PDF 195KB]
Int'l FinanceG7 Cyber Expert Group Conducts Cross-Border Coordination Exercise in the Financial Sector
Research/StudiesResults of the 97th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
Financial SystemTwentieth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability"[PDF 204KB]
About the BankRelease of Medium-Term Strategic Plan (Fiscal 2024-2028)
About the BankPerformance Review of Medium-Term Strategic Plan (Fiscal 2019-2023)
Financial SystemOn-Site Examination Policy for Fiscal 2024[PDF 570KB]
Research/Studies(IMES Newsletter) 2023 BOJ-IMES Finance Workshop
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey (February 2024)[PDF 174KB]
About the BankThe Bank of Japan's Capital Subscription to the Japan Financial Literacy and Education Corporation[PDF 187KB]
Payments/MarketsSummary of the "Meeting on Market Operations" (February 2024)[PDF 138KB]
Research/Studies(IMES Newsletter) 2023 BOK/ERI - BOJ/IMES Joint Research Workshop
Payments/MarketsTiming of Version Upgrade: ISO 20022 Messaging Standard for the BOJ-NET[PDF 189KB]
Research/StudiesResults of the 96th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
Payments/MarketsNotice of the "Meeting on Market Operations"[PDF 136KB]
Payments/MarketsMinutes of the Eighteenth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings (December 7-8, 2023)[PDF 154KB]
Banknotes/TreasuryIssuance Date for the New Series of Bank of Japan Notes
Payments/MarketsTrends in the Money Market in Japan -- Results of the Tokyo Money Market Survey (August 2023) --
Payments/MarketsSixth Meeting of the Cross-Industry Forum on Interest Rate Benchmarks
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey, Results of Special Survey (November 2023)[PDF 376KB]
Payments/MarketsBond Market Survey (November 2023)[PDF 161KB]
About the BankFinancial Statements for the First Half of the 139th Fiscal Year/Fiscal 2023[PDF 94KB]
Public RelationsNGFS publishes the NGFS Climate Scenarios
About the BankWarning against Fake Websites Using the Bank of Japan's Name
Payments/MarketsHolding the Eighteenth Round of the "Bond Market Group" Meetings[PDF 186KB]
Research/Studies(IMES Newsletter) BoC - Philadelphia Fed - BOJ Joint Workshop
Financial SystemNineteenth Meeting of the "Council for Cooperation on Financial Stability"[PDF 100KB]
Research/StudiesResults of the 95th Opinion Survey on the General Public's Views and Behavior
Payments/MarketsSummary of the "Meeting on Market Operations" (October 2023)[PDF 136KB]
Financial SystemSummary of Results of the Fifth Survey on the Use of LIBOR
Int'l FinanceRenewal of Bilateral Swap Arrangement between Japan and Malaysia[PDF 198KB]
Payments/MarketsNotice of the "Meeting on Market Operations"[PDF 142KB]